Department of Michigan

All-State Program



            To be in contention for All-State Honors, a Post must meet the following criteria:

1.     Post must be 100% in membership with new or reinstated members as shown below:

a.     Division 1:       0-99 members must have 1 new or reinstated member.

b.     Division 2:       100-199 members must have 2 new or reinstated members.

c.      Division 3:       200-299 members must have 3 new or reinstated members.

d.     Division 4:       300+ members must have 4 new or reinstated members.

2.     Post must be in good standing with all bylaws, audits, bond, etc.  (Department Checklist)

3.     Commander and Quartermaster must attend at least one in person Department sponsored VTS or attend 6 one hour Zoom VTS’s.

4.     Post must submit an activity report by the 10th of the month every month.

5.     Post must be reported in all the following categories every month:

a.     Community Service

b.     Americanism

c.      Youth Activities

d.     Drug   

e.     Safety

6.  Post must contact at least one of their respective State Senator, State Representative, U.S. Representative or U.S. Senator’s office quarterly, at a minimum, and report it on their monthly activity report.    

7.     Post must submit a Hospital Report by the 10th of every month.

8.     Post must submit a Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen entry to their District for judging.

9.   Post must submit at least one entry in either the category of Firefighter, Law Enforcement, or EMT/Paramedic of the Year.

10.  Post must have an active Facebook page or website that is updated weekly.

11.  Post must purchase a minimum of 500 Buddy Poppies.

12.  Post must earn a minimum of 100 points from the following:

a.     5 points for each $25.00 donated to the following categories: (maximum $100 per category):

                                                   i.     Cancer (Posts will be given credit for any cancer donations made at the National Home on Michigan Day.)

                                                  ii.     Commander’s Special Project (Oscar Mike)

                                                iii.     Day of Challenges

                                                iv.     Gold Star Mothers

                                                  v.     National Cemeteries

                                                vi.     Mental Health (PTSD)

                                               vii.     Scouting

                                             viii.     Cash for Kiddos

                                                ix.     All donations must be made through Department of Michigan except VMS (Veterans and Military Support). THIS DONATION ONLY MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY TO NATIONAL THRU THE VFW NATIONAL WEBSITE

b.    10 Points for posting the Post colors at the National Home on Michigan Day.  Colors must remain posted for the entire day.

c.     5 points for every $25.00 donated to Camp Trotter or 5 points for each Post member who participates in a Camp Trotter Workday (maximum 50 points).  Because of location and logistics Posts in Districts 13, 14, & 15 may earn the same points as above by performing a Community Service project such as a canned food drive for a charity, park cleanup, etc.  Project must be approved by the All-State Director in advance.

d.   5 points for sponsoring a child to Camp Trotter (maximum 4 children). A donation of $300.00 to the Camp Trotter Scholarship Fund counts as one child.

e.    10 points for performing a POW/MIA Ceremony on POW/MIA Day September 16, 2022.  15 points if open to the public.  Ceremony with pictures must be reported to the POW/MIA Director.

f.    5 points for each Post member who volunteers at a Membership Table at a public event (maximum 4 members and 2 events).  Must be reported with pictures showing conspicuous VFW signage such as tablecloth, banner, etc. to the Membership Director.

g.  10 points for holding a symposium open to the public on PTSD. Must be reported with pictures to the Mental Health (PTSD) Director.

h.  5 points for a Post member doing an interview on either radio or TV talking about the mission of the VFW.  Maximum 2 interviews.  Must be reported to the All-State Director at time of the interview.

i.    5 points for sponsoring a Scout of the Year candidate (5 points for each category:  Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold Award, Venture Scout Summit, or Sea Scout QM Award) 15 points maximum.


Captain of the All-State Team will be awarded to the Post with the highest membership percentage as of April 30, 2023.




1.   Districts must show an increase of 5% in membership from the previous year unless they were 100% the previous year but must be 100% again.

2.     At least 80% of the Posts in the District must purchase Buddy Poppies.

3.     Must use a VFW Grow Kit from Department of Michigan.

4.     All Posts in the District must donate to VMS (Veterans and Military Support).  THIS DONATION MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY TO NATIONAL THRU THE VFW NATIONAL WEBSITE.

5.     District must either sponsor a tee or a hole at the Fall Conference Golf Tournament or bring a prize to be raffled to the Cancer Table.

Captain of the District All-State Team will be awarded to the District with the highest membership percentage as of April 30, 2023. 

The Captain of the All-State Team will receive a $300.00 cash award at the 2023 State Convention.   You must attend the State Convention to receive this award. 

Each All-State Commander will receive an All-State Post Commander’s cap, All-State Commander’s pin, and All-State Commander’s citation.  Each All-State Quartermaster will receive an All-State Quartermaster’s cap and All-State Quartermaster’s pin.

A Post or District which meets all the requirements for All-State by April 30, 2023, will receive the All-State Award at the State Convention.  However, a Post or District that has all their reports completed and the necessary number of points turned in by April 30, 2023, but is lacking the membership requirement has until June 30, 2023, to meet the membership requirement.  Post and District All-States earned after April 30, 2023, but before June 30, 2023, will have their awards presented at the Post/Districts first meeting or if requested, at Fall Conference.


Michael Martin

2022-2023 All-State Director




All State Checklist